class documentation

Test threadpools.

Method getTimeout Return number of seconds to wait before giving up.
Method test_adjustingWhenPoolStopped ThreadPool.adjustPoolsize only modifies the pool size and does not start new workers while the pool is not running.
Method test_attributes ThreadPool.min and ThreadPool.max are set to the values passed to ThreadPool.__init__.
Method test_callbackContext The context ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback is invoked in is shared by the context the callable and onResult callback are invoked in.
Method test_callbackThread ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls the function it is given and the onResult callback in the same thread.
Method test_callInThread Call _threadpoolTest with callInThread.
Method test_callInThreadException ThreadPool.callInThread logs exceptions raised by the callable it is passed.
Method test_callInThreadWithCallback ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls onResult with a two-tuple of (True, result) where result is the value returned by the callable supplied.
Method test_callInThreadWithCallbackExceptionInCallback ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls onResult with a two-tuple of (False, failure) where failure represents the exception raised by the callable supplied.
Method test_callInThreadWithCallbackExceptionInOnResult ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback logs the exception raised by onResult.
Method test_existingWork Work added to the threadpool before its start should be executed once the threadpool is started: this is ensured by trying to release a lock previously acquired.
Method test_persistence Threadpools can be pickled and unpickled, which should preserve the number of threads and other parameters.
Method test_start ThreadPool.start creates the minimum number of threads specified.
Method test_threadCreationArguments Test that creating threads in the threadpool with application-level objects as arguments doesn't results in those objects never being freed, with the thread maintaining a reference to them as long as it exists.
Method test_threadCreationArgumentsCallInThreadWithCallback As test_threadCreationArguments above, but for callInThreadWithCallback.
Method test_workerStateTransition As the worker receives and completes work, it transitions between the working and waiting states.
Method _threadpoolTest Test synchronization of calls made with method, which should be one of the mechanisms of the threadpool to execute work in threads.
Method _waitForLock Undocumented

Inherited from SynchronousTestCase:

Method __eq__ Override the comparison defined by the base TestCase which considers instances of the same class with the same _testMethodName to be equal. Since trial puts TestCase instances into a set, that definition of comparison makes it impossible to run the same test method twice...
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method addCleanup Add the given function to a list of functions to be called after the test has run, but before tearDown.
Method callDeprecated Call a function that should have been deprecated at a specific version and in favor of a specific alternative, and assert that it was thusly deprecated.
Method flushLoggedErrors Remove stored errors received from the log.
Method flushWarnings Remove stored warnings from the list of captured warnings and return them.
Method getDeprecatedModuleAttribute Retrieve a module attribute which should have been deprecated, and assert that we saw the appropriate deprecation warning.
Method getSkip Return the skip reason set on this test, if any is set. Checks on the instance first, then the class, then the module, then packages. As soon as it finds something with a skip attribute, returns that in a tuple (...
Method getTodo Return a Todo object if the test is marked todo. Checks on the instance first, then the class, then the module, then packages. As soon as it finds something with a todo attribute, returns that. Returns ...
Method mktemp Create a new path name which can be used for a new file or directory.
Method patch Monkey patch an object for the duration of the test.
Method run Run the test case, storing the results in result.
Method runTest If no methodName argument is passed to the constructor, run will treat this method as the thing with the actual test inside.
Method shortDescription Undocumented
Instance Variable failureException An exception class, defaulting to FailTest. If the test method raises this exception, it will be reported as a failure, rather than an exception. All of the assertion methods raise this if the assertion fails.
Instance Variable skip None or a string explaining why this test is to be skipped. If defined, the test will not be run. Instead, it will be reported to the result object as 'skipped' (if the TestResult supports skipping).
Instance Variable suppress None or a list of tuples of (args, kwargs) to be passed to warnings.filterwarnings. Use these to suppress warnings raised in a test. Useful for testing deprecated code. See also util.suppress.
Instance Variable todo None, a string or a tuple of (errors, reason) where errors is either an exception class or an iterable of exception classes, and reason is a string. See Todo or makeTodo for more information.
Method _getSkipReason Return the reason to use for skipping a test method.
Method _getSuppress Returns any warning suppressions set for this test. Checks on the instance first, then the class, then the module, then packages. As soon as it finds something with a suppress attribute, returns that. ...
Method _installObserver Undocumented
Method _removeObserver Undocumented
Method _run Run a single method, either a test method or fixture.
Method _runCleanups Synchronously run any cleanups which have been added.
Method _runFixturesAndTest Run setUp, a test method, test cleanups, and tearDown.
Instance Variable _cleanups Undocumented
Instance Variable _observer Undocumented
Instance Variable _parents Undocumented
Instance Variable _passed Undocumented
Instance Variable _testMethodName Undocumented
Instance Variable _warnings Undocumented

Inherited from _Assertions (via SynchronousTestCase):

Method assertAlmostEqual Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero.
Method assertApproximates Fail if first - second > tolerance
Method assertEqual Fail the test if first and second are not equal.
Method assertFalse Fail the test if condition evaluates to True.
Method assertIn Fail the test if containee is not found in container.
Method assertIs Fail the test if first is not second. This is an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e. __eq__) test.
Method assertIsInstance Fail if instance is not an instance of the given class or of one of the given classes.
Method assertIsNot Fail the test if first is second. This is an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e. __eq__) test.
Method assertNoResult Assert that deferred does not have a result at this point.
Method assertNotAlmostEqual Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero.
Method assertNotEqual Fail the test if first == second.
Method assertNotIn Fail the test if containee is found in container.
Method assertNotIsInstance Fail if instance is an instance of the given class or of one of the given classes.
Method assertNotSubstring Fail if astring contains substring.
Method assertRaises Fail the test unless calling the function f with the given args and kwargs raises exception. The failure will report the traceback and call stack of the unexpected exception.
Method assertSubstring Fail if substring does not exist within astring.
Method assertTrue Fail the test if condition evaluates to False.
Method assertWarns Fail if the given function doesn't generate the specified warning when called. It calls the function, checks the warning, and forwards the result of the function if everything is fine.
Method fail Absolutely fail the test. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Method failureResultOf Return the current failure result of deferred or raise self.failureException.
Method successResultOf Return the current success result of deferred or raise self.failureException.
def getTimeout(self): (source)

Return number of seconds to wait before giving up.

def test_adjustingWhenPoolStopped(self): (source)

ThreadPool.adjustPoolsize only modifies the pool size and does not start new workers while the pool is not running.

def test_attributes(self): (source)

ThreadPool.min and ThreadPool.max are set to the values passed to ThreadPool.__init__.

def test_callbackContext(self): (source)

The context ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback is invoked in is shared by the context the callable and onResult callback are invoked in.

def test_callbackThread(self): (source)

ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls the function it is given and the onResult callback in the same thread.

def test_callInThread(self): (source)

Call _threadpoolTest with callInThread.

def test_callInThreadException(self): (source)

ThreadPool.callInThread logs exceptions raised by the callable it is passed.

def test_callInThreadWithCallback(self): (source)

ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls onResult with a two-tuple of (True, result) where result is the value returned by the callable supplied.

def test_callInThreadWithCallbackExceptionInCallback(self): (source)

ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback calls onResult with a two-tuple of (False, failure) where failure represents the exception raised by the callable supplied.

def test_callInThreadWithCallbackExceptionInOnResult(self): (source)

ThreadPool.callInThreadWithCallback logs the exception raised by onResult.

def test_existingWork(self): (source)

Work added to the threadpool before its start should be executed once the threadpool is started: this is ensured by trying to release a lock previously acquired.

def test_persistence(self): (source)

Threadpools can be pickled and unpickled, which should preserve the number of threads and other parameters.

def test_start(self): (source)

ThreadPool.start creates the minimum number of threads specified.

def test_threadCreationArguments(self): (source)

Test that creating threads in the threadpool with application-level objects as arguments doesn't results in those objects never being freed, with the thread maintaining a reference to them as long as it exists.

def test_threadCreationArgumentsCallInThreadWithCallback(self): (source)

As test_threadCreationArguments above, but for callInThreadWithCallback.

def test_workerStateTransition(self): (source)

As the worker receives and completes work, it transitions between the working and waiting states.

def _threadpoolTest(self, method): (source)

Test synchronization of calls made with method, which should be one of the mechanisms of the threadpool to execute work in threads.

def _waitForLock(self, lock): (source)
