class documentation

A mixin for TestCase subclasses which defines a number of tests against _InputStream. The subclass is expected to create a file-like object to be wrapped by an _InputStream under test.

Method getFileType Undocumented
Method test_iterable Iterating over _InputStream produces lines from the input stream.
Method test_iterableAfterRead Iterating over _InputStream after calling produces lines from the input stream starting from the first byte after the last byte returned by the read call.
Method test_readAll Calling with no arguments returns the entire input stream.
Method test_readline Calling _InputStream.readline with no argument returns one line from the input stream.
Method test_readlineMoreThan Calling _InputStream.readline with an integer which is greater than the number of bytes in the next line returns only the next line.
Method test_readlineNegative Calling _InputStream.readline with a negative integer as an argument returns one line from the input stream.
Method test_readlineNone Calling _InputStream.readline with None as an argument returns one line from the input stream.
Method test_readlines Calling _InputStream.readlines with no arguments returns a list of all lines from the input stream.
Method test_readlinesAfterRead Calling _InputStream.readlines after a call to returns lines starting at the byte after the last byte returned by the read call.
Method test_readlinesMoreThan Calling _InputStream.readlines with an integer which is greater than the total number of bytes in the input stream returns a list of all lines from the input.
Method test_readlinesNegative Calling _InputStream.readlines with a negative integer as an argument returns a list of all lines from the input.
Method test_readlinesNone Calling _InputStream.readlines with None as an argument returns all lines from the input.
Method test_readlineSome Calling _InputStream.readline with an integer returns at most that many bytes, even if it is not enough to make up a complete line.
Method test_readlinesSome Calling _InputStream.readlines with an integer as an argument returns a list of lines from the input stream with the argument serving as an approximate bound on the total number of bytes to read.
Method test_readlineTwice Calling _InputStream.readline a second time returns the line following the line returned by the first call.
Method test_readMoreThan Calling with an integer that is greater than the total number of bytes in the input stream returns all bytes in the input stream.
Method test_readNegative Calling with a negative integer as an argument returns all bytes in the input stream.
Method test_readNone Calling with None as an argument returns all bytes in the input stream.
Method test_readSome Calling with an integer returns that many bytes from the input stream, as long as it is less than or equal to the total number of bytes available.
Method test_readTwice Calling a second time returns bytes starting from the position after the last byte returned by the previous read.
Method _renderAndReturnReaderResult Undocumented

Inherited from WSGITestsMixin:

Method getContentFromResponse Undocumented
Method lowLevelRender No summary
Method prepareRequest Prepare a Request which, when a request is received, captures the environ and start_response callable passed to a WSGI app.
Method render Undocumented
Method requestFactoryFactory Undocumented
Method setUp Undocumented
Instance Variable channelFactory A no-argument callable which will be invoked to create a new HTTP channel to associate with request objects.
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented
Instance Variable threadpool Undocumented
def test_iterable(self): (source)

Iterating over _InputStream produces lines from the input stream.

def test_iterableAfterRead(self): (source)

Iterating over _InputStream after calling produces lines from the input stream starting from the first byte after the last byte returned by the read call.

def test_readAll(self): (source)

Calling with no arguments returns the entire input stream.

def test_readline(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline with no argument returns one line from the input stream.

def test_readlineMoreThan(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline with an integer which is greater than the number of bytes in the next line returns only the next line.

def test_readlineNegative(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline with a negative integer as an argument returns one line from the input stream.

def test_readlineNone(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline with None as an argument returns one line from the input stream.

def test_readlines(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines with no arguments returns a list of all lines from the input stream.

def test_readlinesAfterRead(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines after a call to returns lines starting at the byte after the last byte returned by the read call.

def test_readlinesMoreThan(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines with an integer which is greater than the total number of bytes in the input stream returns a list of all lines from the input.

def test_readlinesNegative(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines with a negative integer as an argument returns a list of all lines from the input.

def test_readlinesNone(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines with None as an argument returns all lines from the input.

def test_readlineSome(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline with an integer returns at most that many bytes, even if it is not enough to make up a complete line.

COMPATIBILITY NOTE: the size argument is excluded from the WSGI specification, but is provided here anyhow, because useful libraries such as python stdlib's assume their input file-like-object supports readline with a size argument. If you use it, be aware your application may not be portable to other conformant WSGI servers.

def test_readlinesSome(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readlines with an integer as an argument returns a list of lines from the input stream with the argument serving as an approximate bound on the total number of bytes to read.

def test_readlineTwice(self): (source)

Calling _InputStream.readline a second time returns the line following the line returned by the first call.

def test_readMoreThan(self): (source)

Calling with an integer that is greater than the total number of bytes in the input stream returns all bytes in the input stream.

def test_readNegative(self): (source)

Calling with a negative integer as an argument returns all bytes in the input stream.

def test_readNone(self): (source)

Calling with None as an argument returns all bytes in the input stream.

def test_readSome(self): (source)

Calling with an integer returns that many bytes from the input stream, as long as it is less than or equal to the total number of bytes available.

def test_readTwice(self): (source)

Calling a second time returns bytes starting from the position after the last byte returned by the previous read.

def _renderAndReturnReaderResult(self, reader, content): (source)
