class documentation

A GUI window of a conversation with a group of people.

Method __init__ No summary
Method hide Hide the GroupConversationWindow.
Method memberChangedNick Change the nickname for a member of the group conversation and displays this change to the user.
Method memberJoined Add the given member to the list of members in the group conversation and displays this to the user.
Method memberLeft Delete the given member from the list of members in the group conversation and displays the change to the user.
Method sendText Send text to the group.
Method setGroupMembers Set the list of members in the group.
Method setTopic Change the topic for the group conversation window and display this change to the user.
Method show Display the GroupConversationWindow.
Method showGroupMessage Display to the user a message sent to this group from the given sender.
Instance Variable chatui The GUI chat client associated with this conversation.
Instance Variable group The group of people that are having this conversation.
Instance Variable members The names of the people in this conversation.
def __init__(self, group, chatui): (source)
group:IGroup providerThe group of people that are having this conversation.
chatui:ChatUIThe GUI chat client associated with this conversation.
def hide(self): (source)

Hide the GroupConversationWindow.

def memberChangedNick(self, oldnick, newnick): (source)

Change the nickname for a member of the group conversation and displays this change to the user.

oldnick:strThe old nickname.
newnick:strThe new nickname.
def memberJoined(self, member): (source)

Add the given member to the list of members in the group conversation and displays this to the user.

member:strThe person joining the group conversation.
def memberLeft(self, member): (source)

Delete the given member from the list of members in the group conversation and displays the change to the user.

member:strThe person leaving the group conversation.
def sendText(self, text): (source)

Send text to the group.

text:strThe text to be sent.
def setGroupMembers(self, members): (source)

Set the list of members in the group.

members:list of strThe names of the people that will be in this group.
def setTopic(self, topic, author): (source)

Change the topic for the group conversation window and display this change to the user.

topic:strThis group's topic.
author:strThe person changing the topic.
def show(self): (source)

Display the GroupConversationWindow.

def showGroupMessage(self, sender, text, metadata=None): (source)

Display to the user a message sent to this group from the given sender.

sender:strThe person sending the message.
text:strThe sent message.
metadata:dictMetadata associated with this message.

The GUI chat client associated with this conversation.

group: IGroup provider = (source)

The group of people that are having this conversation.

members: list of str = (source)

The names of the people in this conversation.