module documentation
Class BasicServerFunctionalityTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 16/22 methods documented
Class ClientImplementationTests No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 17/30 methods documented
Class ClientInviteTests Tests for IRCClient.invite.
Class ClientMsgTests Tests for messages sent with twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.
Class ClientTests Tests for the protocol-level behavior of IRCClient methods intended to be called by application code.
Class CollectorClient A client that saves in a list the names of the methods that got called.
Class CTCPQueryTests Tests for the ctcpQuery_* methods.
Class CTCPTests Tests for twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient CTCP handling.
Class DccChatFactoryTests Tests for DccChatFactory.
Class DccDescribeTests Tests for dccDescribe.
Class DccFileReceiveTests Tests for DccFileReceive.
Class DccTests Tests for dcc_* methods.
Class Dispatcher A dispatcher that exposes one known command and handles unknown commands.
Class DispatcherTests Tests for irc._CommandDispatcherMixin.
Class DummyClient A twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient that stores sent lines in a list rather than transmitting them.
Class FormattedTextTests Tests for parsing and assembling formatted IRC text.
Class FormattingStateAttributeTests Tests for twisted.words.protocols.irc._FormattingState.
Class IRCClientWithoutLogin Undocumented
Class IRCTestCase No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class MiscTests Tests for miscellaneous functions.
Class ModeParsingTests Tests for twisted.words.protocols.irc.parseModes.
Class NoticingClient Undocumented
Class QuotingTests No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class ServerSupportedFeatureTests Tests for ServerSupportedFeatures and related functions.
Class ServerToClientTests Tests for the irc_* methods sent from the server to the client.
Function pop Undocumented
Variable stringSubjects Undocumented
def pop(dict, key, default): (source)


stringSubjects = (source)
