class documentation

class StubConversation(Conversation): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Method show Display the ConversationWindow.
Method showMessage Display a message sent from the person with whom the user is conversing.
Instance Variable message Undocumented
Instance Variable metadata Undocumented

Inherited from Conversation:

Method __init__ No summary
Method contactChangedNick Change a person's name.
Method hide Hide the ConversationWindow.
Method sendText Send text to the person with whom the user is conversing.
Instance Variable chatui The GUI chat client associated with this conversation.
Instance Variable person The person who you're having this conversation with.
def show(self): (source)

Display the ConversationWindow.

def showMessage(self, message, metadata): (source)

Display a message sent from the person with whom the user is conversing.

metadata:dictMetadata associated with this message.
text:strThe sent message.


metadata = (source)
