class documentation

Testing harness for interacting with XML stream initializers.

This sets up an utility.XmlPipe to create a communication channel between the initializer and the stubbed receiving entity. It features a sink and source side that both act similarly to a real xmlstream.XmlStream. The sink is augmented with an authenticator to which initializers can be added.

The harness also provides some utility methods to work with event observers and deferreds.

Method setUp Undocumented
Method waitFor Observe an output event, returning a deferred.
Instance Variable authenticator Undocumented
Instance Variable output Undocumented
Instance Variable pipe Undocumented
Instance Variable xmlstream Undocumented
def waitFor(self, event, handler): (source)

Observe an output event, returning a deferred.

The returned deferred will be fired when the given event has been observed on the source end of the XmlPipe tied to the protocol under test. The handler is added as the first callback.

eventThe event to be observed. See utility.EventDispatcher.addOnetimeObserver.
handlerThe handler to be called with the observed event object.
authenticator = (source)




xmlstream = (source)
