class documentation

Dummy SASL mechanism.

This just returns the initialResponse passed on creation, stores any challenges and replies with the value of response.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method getInitialResponse Get the initial client response, if defined for this mechanism.
Method getResponse Get the response to a server challenge.
Class Variable name Common name for the SASL Mechanism.
Class Variable response Undocumented
Instance Variable challenge Last received challenge.
Instance Variable initialResponse Initial response to be returned when requested via getInitialResponse or None.
def __init__(self, initialResponse): (source)


def getInitialResponse(self): (source)

Get the initial client response, if defined for this mechanism.

str.initial client response string.
def getResponse(self, challenge): (source)

Get the response to a server challenge.

challenge:str.server challenge.
str.client response.


challenge: unicode. = (source)

Last received challenge.

initialResponse: unicode = (source)

Initial response to be returned when requested via getInitialResponse or None.