class documentation

Annotations are used to achieve claripy's goal of being an arithmetic instrumentation engine. They provide a means to pass extra information to the claripy backends.

Method relocate This is called when an annotation has to be relocated because of simplifications.
Property eliminatable Returns whether this annotation can be eliminated in a simplification.
Property relocatable Returns whether this annotation can be relocated in a simplification.
def relocate(self, src, dst): (source)

This is called when an annotation has to be relocated because of simplifications. Consider the following case: x = claripy.BVS('x', 32) zero = claripy.BVV(0, 32).add_annotation(your_annotation) y = x + zero Here, one of three things can happen: 1. if your_annotation.eliminatable is True, the simplifiers will simply eliminate your_annotation along with `zero` and `y is x` will hold 2. elif your_annotation.relocatable is False, the simplifier will abort and y will never be simplified 3. elif your_annotation.relocatable is True, the simplifier will run, determine that the simplified result of `x + zero` will be `x`. It will then call your_annotation.relocate(zero, x) to move the annotation away from the AST that is about to be eliminated. :param src: the old AST that was eliminated in the simplification :param dst: the new AST (the result of a simplification) :return: the annotation that will be applied to `dst`

eliminatable = (source)

Returns whether this annotation can be eliminated in a simplification. :return: True if eliminatable, False otherwise

relocatable = (source)

Returns whether this annotation can be relocated in a simplification. :return: True if it can be relocated, false otherwise.