class documentation

class RegionAnnotation(Annotation): (source)

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Use RegionAnnotation to annotate ASTs. Normally, an AST annotated by RegionAnnotations is treated as a ValueSet. Note that Annotation objects are immutable. Do not change properties of an Annotation object without creating a new one.

Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method relocate Override Annotation.relocate().
Instance Variable offset Undocumented
Instance Variable region_base_addr Undocumented
Instance Variable region_id Undocumented
Property eliminatable A Region annotation is not eliminatable in simplifications.
Property relocatable A Region annotation is not relocatable in simplifications.
def __hash__(self): (source)


def __init__(self, region_id, region_base_addr, offset): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def relocate(self, src, dst): (source)

Override Annotation.relocate(). :param src: The old AST :param dst: The new AST, as the result of a simplification :return: The new annotation that should be applied on the new AST


region_base_addr = (source)


region_id = (source)


eliminatable = (source)

A Region annotation is not eliminatable in simplifications. :return: False :rtype: bool

relocatable = (source)

A Region annotation is not relocatable in simplifications. :return: False :rtype: bool