class documentation

Interface for full-featured contexts.

Inherited from ICheckpointable:

Method checkpoint Make a shallow copy of the context.

Inherited from IListenableContext:

Method deferred_events Context manager that sets defer_events to False
Class Variable defer_events Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented

Inherited from IContext (via IListenableContext):

Method __contains__ Test whether the key is available in the context or not.
Method __delitem__ Remove the given key with [] access.
Method __getitem__ Get item with [] access.
Method __setitem__ Set item with [] access.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.

Inherited from IPersistableContext:

Static Method load Unpickle the context from a file
Method save Pickle the data context out to a file

Inherited from IContext (via IPersistableContext):

Method __contains__ Test whether the key is available in the context or not.
Method __delitem__ Remove the given key with [] access.
Method __getitem__ Get item with [] access.
Method __setitem__ Set item with [] access.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.

Inherited from IRestrictedContext:

Method allows Determines whether this value is allowed in this context. Only strings are allowed for 'name'.

Inherited from IContext (via IRestrictedContext):

Method __contains__ Test whether the key is available in the context or not.
Method __delitem__ Remove the given key with [] access.
Method __getitem__ Get item with [] access.
Method __setitem__ Set item with [] access.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.