class documentation

A context that has certain restrictions on the values it is allowed to contain.

Method allows Determines whether this value is allowed in this context. Only strings are allowed for 'name'.

Inherited from IContext:

Method __contains__ Test whether the key is available in the context or not.
Method __delitem__ Remove the given key with [] access.
Method __getitem__ Get item with [] access.
Method __setitem__ Set item with [] access.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.
def allows(self, value, name=None): (source)

Determines whether this value is allowed in this context. Only strings are allowed for 'name'. Typically, this is used to limit the types of objects allowed into the context. It could also be used to restrict specific values (ie. the shape of an array) and even on the name... Parameters ---------- value : object name : str, optional Returns ------- allowed : bool