module documentation


Class BaseSpatialField The Base GIS Field.
Class ExtentField Used as a return value from an extent aggregate
Class GeometryCollectionField Undocumented
Class GeometryField The base Geometry field -- maps to the OpenGIS Specification Geometry type.
Class LineStringField Undocumented
Class MultiLineStringField Undocumented
Class MultiPointField Undocumented
Class MultiPolygonField Undocumented
Class PointField Undocumented
Class PolygonField Undocumented
Class RasterField Raster field for GeoDjango -- evaluates into GDALRaster objects.
Function get_srid_info Return the units, unit name, and spheroid WKT associated with the given SRID from the `spatial_ref_sys` (or equivalent) spatial database table for the given database connection. These results are cached.
Variable SRIDCacheEntry Undocumented
Variable _srid_cache Undocumented
def get_srid_info(srid, connection): (source)

Return the units, unit name, and spheroid WKT associated with the given SRID from the `spatial_ref_sys` (or equivalent) spatial database table for the given database connection. These results are cached.

SRIDCacheEntry = (source)


_srid_cache = (source)
