module documentation


Class BBContainsLookup The 'bbcontains' operator returns true if A's bounding box completely contains by B's bounding box.
Class BBOverlapsLookup The 'bboverlaps' operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps B's bounding box.
Class ContainedLookup The 'contained' operator returns true if A's bounding box is completely contained by B's bounding box.
Class ContainsLookup Undocumented
Class ContainsProperlyLookup Undocumented
Class CoveredByLookup Undocumented
Class CoversLookup Undocumented
Class CrossesLookup Undocumented
Class DisjointLookup Undocumented
Class DistanceGTELookup Undocumented
Class DistanceGTLookup Undocumented
Class DistanceLookupBase Undocumented
Class DistanceLookupFromFunction Undocumented
Class DistanceLTELookup Undocumented
Class DistanceLTLookup Undocumented
Class DWithinLookup Undocumented
Class EqualsLookup Undocumented
Class GISLookup No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 0/3 class variable, 1/7 method documented
Class IntersectsLookup Undocumented
Class LeftLookup The 'left' operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly to the left of B's bounding box.
Class OverlapsAboveLookup The 'overlaps_above' operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is above B's bounding box.
Class OverlapsBelowLookup The 'overlaps_below' operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is below B's bounding box.
Class OverlapsLeftLookup The overlaps_left operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the left of B's bounding box.
Class OverlapsLookup Undocumented
Class OverlapsRightLookup The 'overlaps_right' operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the right of B's bounding box.
Class RasterBandTransform Undocumented
Class RelateLookup Undocumented
Class RightLookup The 'right' operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly to the right of B's bounding box.
Class SameAsLookup The "~=" operator is the "same as" operator. It tests actual geometric equality of two features. So if A and B are the same feature, vertex-by-vertex, the operator returns true.
Class StrictlyAboveLookup The 'strictly_above' operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly above B's bounding box.
Class StrictlyBelowLookup The 'strictly_below' operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly below B's bounding box.
Class TouchesLookup Undocumented
Class WithinLookup Undocumented