class documentation

class Driver(GDALBase): (source)

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Wrap a GDAL/OGR Data Source Driver. For more information, see the C API documentation:

Class Method driver_count Return the number of GDAL/OGR data source drivers registered.
Class Method ensure_registered Attempt to register all the data source drivers.
Method __init__ Initialize an GDAL/OGR driver on either a string or integer input.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Instance Variable ptr Undocumented
Property name Return description/name string for this driver.
Class Variable _alias Undocumented

Inherited from CPointerBase (via GDALBase):

Method __del__ Free the memory used by the C++ object.
Method ptr.setter Undocumented
Class Variable destructor Undocumented
Instance Variable _ptr Undocumented
def driver_count(cls): (source)

Return the number of GDAL/OGR data source drivers registered.

def ensure_registered(cls): (source)

Attempt to register all the data source drivers.

def __init__(self, dr_input): (source)

Initialize an GDAL/OGR driver on either a string or integer input.

def __str__(self): (source)


Return description/name string for this driver.
