package documentation

This module houses ctypes interfaces for GDAL objects. The following GDAL objects are supported: CoordTransform: Used for coordinate transformations from one spatial reference system to another. Driver: Wraps an OGR data source driver. DataSource: Wrapper for the OGR data source object, supports OGR-supported data sources. Envelope: A ctypes structure for bounding boxes (GDAL library not required). OGRGeometry: Object for accessing OGR Geometry functionality. OGRGeomType: A class for representing the different OGR Geometry types (GDAL library not required). SpatialReference: Represents OSR Spatial Reference objects. The GDAL library will be imported from the system path using the default library name for the current OS. The default library path may be overridden by setting `GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH` in your settings with the path to the GDAL C library on your system.

Module base Undocumented
Module datasource DataSource is a wrapper for the OGR Data Source object, which provides an interface for reading vector geometry data from many different file formats (including ESRI shapefiles).
Module driver Undocumented
Module envelope The GDAL/OGR library uses an Envelope structure to hold the bounding box information for a geometry. The envelope (bounding box) contains two pairs of coordinates, one for the lower left coordinate and one for the upper right coordinate:...
Module error This module houses the GDAL & SRS Exception objects, and the check_err() routine which checks the status code returned by GDAL/OGR methods.
Module feature No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module field No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 1/15 class documented
Module geometries The OGRGeometry is a wrapper for using the OGR Geometry class (see OGRGeometry may be instantiated when reading geometries from OGR Data Sources (e...
Module geomtype Undocumented
Module layer No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module libgdal No module docstring; 0/8 variable, 1/4 function documented
Package prototypes No package docstring; 4/6 modules documented
Package raster No package docstring; 1/4 module documented
Module srs The Spatial Reference class, represents OGR Spatial Reference objects.


Class AxisOrder Undocumented
Class CoordTransform The coordinate system transformation object.
Class DataSource Wraps an OGR Data Source object.
Class Driver Wrap a GDAL/OGR Data Source Driver. For more information, see the C API documentation:
Class Envelope The Envelope object is a C structure that contains the minimum and maximum X, Y coordinates for a rectangle bounding box. The naming of the variables is compatible with the OGR Envelope structure.
Class GDALRaster Wrap a raster GDAL Data Source object.
Class OGRGeometry Encapsulate an OGR geometry.
Class OGRGeomType Encapsulate OGR Geometry Types.
Class SpatialReference A wrapper for the OGRSpatialReference object. According to the GDAL web site, the SpatialReference object "provide[s] services to represent coordinate systems (projections and datums) and to transform between them...
Exception GDALException Undocumented
Exception SRSException Undocumented
Function check_err Check the given CPL/OGRERR and raise an exception where appropriate.
Function gdal_full_version Return the full GDAL version information.
Function gdal_version Return only the GDAL version number information.
Constant GDAL_VERSION Undocumented
def check_err(code, cpl=False): (source)

Check the given CPL/OGRERR and raise an exception where appropriate.

GDAL_VERSION = (source)


def gdal_full_version(): (source)

Return the full GDAL version information.

def gdal_version(): (source)

Return only the GDAL version number information.