class documentation

This class that wraps an OGR Feature, needs to be instantiated from a Layer object.

Method __eq__ Do equivalence testing on the features.
Method __getitem__ Get the Field object at the specified index, which may be either an integer or the Field's string label. Note that the Field object is not the field's _value_ -- use the `get` method instead to retrieve the value (e...
Method __init__ Initialize Feature from a pointer and its Layer object.
Method __len__ Return the count of fields in this feature.
Method __str__ The string name of the feature.
Method get Return the value of the field, instead of an instance of the Field object. May take a string of the field name or a Field object as parameters.
Method index Return the index of the given field name.
Instance Variable ptr Undocumented
Property encoding Undocumented
Property fid Return the feature identifier.
Property fields Return a list of fields in the Feature.
Property geom Return the OGR Geometry for this Feature.
Property geom_type Return the OGR Geometry Type for this Feature.
Property layer_name Return the name of the layer for the feature.
Property num_fields Return the number of fields in the Feature.
Instance Variable _layer Undocumented

Inherited from CPointerBase (via GDALBase):

Method __del__ Free the memory used by the C++ object.
Method ptr.setter Undocumented
Class Variable destructor Undocumented
Instance Variable _ptr Undocumented
def __eq__(self, other): (source)

Do equivalence testing on the features.

def __getitem__(self, index): (source)

Get the Field object at the specified index, which may be either an integer or the Field's string label. Note that the Field object is not the field's _value_ -- use the `get` method instead to retrieve the value (e.g. an integer) instead of a Field instance.

def __init__(self, feat, layer): (source)

Initialize Feature from a pointer and its Layer object.

def __len__(self): (source)

Return the count of fields in this feature.

def __str__(self): (source)

The string name of the feature.

def get(self, field): (source)

Return the value of the field, instead of an instance of the Field object. May take a string of the field name or a Field object as parameters.

def index(self, field_name): (source)

Return the index of the given field name.


Return the feature identifier.

Return a list of fields in the Feature.

Return the OGR Geometry for this Feature.

Return the OGR Geometry Type for this Feature.

Return the name of the layer for the feature.

Return the number of fields in the Feature.
