package documentation

Caching framework. This package defines set of cache backends that all conform to a simple API. In a nutshell, a cache is a set of values -- which can be any object that may be pickled -- identified by string keys. For the complete API, see the abstract BaseCache class in django.core.cache.backends.base. Client code should use the `cache` variable defined here to access the default cache backend and look up non-default cache backends in the `caches` dict-like object. See docs/topics/cache.txt for information on the public API.

Package backends No package docstring; 7/7 modules documented
Module utils Undocumented


Class BaseCache No class docstring; 0/6 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 25/38 methods documented
Class CacheHandler Undocumented
Exception CacheKeyWarning Undocumented
Exception InvalidCacheBackendError Undocumented
Exception InvalidCacheKey Undocumented
Function close_caches Undocumented
Constant DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS Undocumented
Variable cache Undocumented
Variable caches Undocumented
DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS: str = (source)





def close_caches(**kwargs): (source)
