module documentation

Global Django exception and warning classes.

Exception AppRegistryNotReady The django.apps registry is not populated yet
Exception BadRequest The request is malformed and cannot be processed.
Exception DisallowedHost HTTP_HOST header contains invalid value
Exception DisallowedRedirect Redirect to scheme not in allowed list
Exception EmptyResultSet A database query predicate is impossible.
Exception FieldDoesNotExist The requested model field does not exist
Exception FieldError Some kind of problem with a model field.
Exception ImproperlyConfigured Django is somehow improperly configured
Exception MiddlewareNotUsed This middleware is not used in this server configuration
Exception MultipleObjectsReturned The query returned multiple objects when only one was expected.
Exception ObjectDoesNotExist The requested object does not exist
Exception PermissionDenied The user did not have permission to do that
Exception RequestAborted The request was closed before it was completed, or timed out.
Exception RequestDataTooBig The size of the request (excluding any file uploads) exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE.
Exception SuspiciousFileOperation A Suspicious filesystem operation was attempted
Exception SuspiciousMultipartForm Suspect MIME request in multipart form data
Exception SuspiciousOperation The user did something suspicious
Exception SynchronousOnlyOperation The user tried to call a sync-only function from an async context.
Exception TooManyFieldsSent The number of fields in a GET or POST request exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS.
Exception TooManyFilesSent The number of fields in a GET or POST request exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FILES.
Exception ValidationError An error while validating data.
Exception ViewDoesNotExist The requested view does not exist
Constant NON_FIELD_ERRORS Undocumented
NON_FIELD_ERRORS: str = (source)

