module documentation


Class BaseExpression Base class for all query expressions.
Class Case An SQL searched CASE expression:
Class Col Undocumented
Class Combinable Provide the ability to combine one or two objects with some connector. For example F('foo') + F('bar').
Class CombinedExpression Undocumented
Class DurationExpression Undocumented
Class Exists Undocumented
Class Expression An expression that can be combined with other expressions.
Class ExpressionList An expression containing multiple expressions. Can be used to provide a list of expressions as an argument to another expression, like a partition clause.
Class ExpressionWrapper An expression that can wrap another expression so that it can provide extra context to the inner expression, such as the output_field.
Class F An object capable of resolving references to existing query objects.
Class Func An SQL function call.
Class OrderBy Undocumented
Class OrderByList Undocumented
Class OuterRef Undocumented
Class RawSQL Undocumented
Class Ref Reference to column alias of the query. For example, Ref('sum_cost') in qs.annotate(sum_cost=Sum('cost')) query.
Class ResolvedOuterRef An object that contains a reference to an outer query.
Class RowRange Undocumented
Class SQLiteNumericMixin Some expressions with output_field=DecimalField() must be cast to numeric to be properly filtered.
Class Star Undocumented
Class Subquery An explicit subquery. It may contain OuterRef() references to the outer query which will be resolved when it is applied to that query.
Class TemporalSubtraction Undocumented
Class Value Represent a wrapped value as a node within an expression.
Class ValueRange Undocumented
Class When Undocumented
Class Window Undocumented
Class WindowFrame Model the frame clause in window expressions. There are two types of frame clauses which are subclasses, however, all processing and validation (by no means intended to be complete) is done here. Thus, providing an end for a frame is optional (the default is UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING, which is the last row in the frame).
Function register_combinable_fields Register combinable types: lhs <connector> rhs -> result e.g. register_combinable_fields( IntegerField, Combinable.ADD, FloatField, FloatField )
Variable NoneType Undocumented
Function _resolve_combined_type Undocumented
Variable _connector_combinations Undocumented
Variable _connector_combinators Undocumented
def register_combinable_fields(lhs, connector, rhs, result): (source)

Register combinable types: lhs <connector> rhs -> result e.g. register_combinable_fields( IntegerField, Combinable.ADD, FloatField, FloatField )

NoneType = (source)


def _resolve_combined_type(connector, lhs_type, rhs_type): (source)


_connector_combinations = (source)


_connector_combinators = (source)
