module documentation


Class BuiltinLookup Undocumented
Class Contains Undocumented
Class EndsWith Undocumented
Class Exact Undocumented
Class FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on each value in an iterable.
Class FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on their inputs.
Class GreaterThan Undocumented
Class GreaterThanOrEqual Undocumented
Class IContains Undocumented
Class IEndsWith Undocumented
Class IExact Undocumented
Class In Undocumented
Class IntegerFieldFloatRounding Allow floats to work as query values for IntegerField. Without this, the decimal portion of the float would always be discarded.
Class IntegerGreaterThanOrEqual Undocumented
Class IntegerLessThan Undocumented
Class IRegex Undocumented
Class IsNull Undocumented
Class IStartsWith Undocumented
Class LessThan Undocumented
Class LessThanOrEqual Undocumented
Class Lookup Undocumented
Class PatternLookup Undocumented
Class PostgresOperatorLookup Lookup defined by operators on PostgreSQL.
Class Range Undocumented
Class Regex Undocumented
Class StartsWith Undocumented
Class Transform RegisterLookupMixin() is first so that get_lookup() and get_transform() first examine self and then check output_field.
Class UUIDContains Undocumented
Class UUIDEndsWith Undocumented
Class UUIDIContains Undocumented
Class UUIDIEndsWith Undocumented
Class UUIDIExact Undocumented
Class UUIDIStartsWith Undocumented
Class UUIDStartsWith Undocumented
Class UUIDTextMixin Strip hyphens from a value when filtering a UUIDField on backends without a native datatype for UUID.
Class YearExact Undocumented
Class YearGt Undocumented
Class YearGte Undocumented
Class YearLookup Undocumented
Class YearLt Undocumented
Class YearLte Undocumented