module documentation

A set of request processors that return dictionaries to be merged into a template context. Each function takes the request object as its only parameter and returns a dictionary to add to the context. These are referenced from the 'context_processors' option of the configuration of a DjangoTemplates backend and used by RequestContext.

Function csrf Context processor that provides a CSRF token, or the string 'NOTPROVIDED' if it has not been provided by either a view decorator or the middleware
Function debug Return context variables helpful for debugging.
Function i18n Undocumented
Function media Add media-related context variables to the context.
Function request Undocumented
Function static Add static-related context variables to the context.
Function tz Undocumented
def csrf(request): (source)

Context processor that provides a CSRF token, or the string 'NOTPROVIDED' if it has not been provided by either a view decorator or the middleware

def debug(request): (source)

Return context variables helpful for debugging.

def i18n(request): (source)


def media(request): (source)

Add media-related context variables to the context.

def request(request): (source)


def static(request): (source)

Add static-related context variables to the context.

def tz(request): (source)
