module documentation


Class InclusionNode No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 1/2 method documented
Class Library A class for registering template tags and filters. Compiled filter and template tag functions are stored in the filters and tags attributes. The filter, simple_tag, and inclusion_tag methods provide a convenient way to register callables as tags.
Class SimpleNode Undocumented
Class TagHelperNode Base class for tag helper nodes such as SimpleNode and InclusionNode. Manages the positional and keyword arguments to be passed to the decorated function.
Exception InvalidTemplateLibrary Undocumented
Function import_library Load a Library object from a template tag module.
Function parse_bits Parse bits for template tag helpers simple_tag and inclusion_tag, in particular by detecting syntax errors and by extracting positional and keyword arguments.
def import_library(name): (source)

Load a Library object from a template tag module.

def parse_bits(parser, bits, params, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonly, kwonly_defaults, takes_context, name): (source)

Parse bits for template tag helpers simple_tag and inclusion_tag, in particular by detecting syntax errors and by extracting positional and keyword arguments.