module documentation

Syndication feed generation library -- used for generating RSS, etc. Sample usage: >>> from django.utils import feedgenerator >>> feed = feedgenerator.Rss201rev2Feed( ... title="Poynter E-Media Tidbits", ... link="", ... description="A group blog by the sharpest minds in online journalism.", ... language="en", ... ) >>> feed.add_item( ... title="Hello", ... link="", ... description="Testing." ... ) >>> with open('test.rss', 'w') as fp: ... feed.write(fp, 'utf-8') For definitions of the different versions of RSS, see:

Class Atom1Feed Undocumented
Class Enclosure An RSS enclosure
Class Rss201rev2Feed Undocumented
Class RssFeed Undocumented
Class RssUserland091Feed Undocumented
Class SyndicationFeed Base class for all syndication feeds. Subclasses should provide write()
Function get_tag_uri Create a TagURI.
Function rfc2822_date Undocumented
Function rfc3339_date Undocumented
def get_tag_uri(url, date): (source)

Create a TagURI. See

def rfc2822_date(date): (source)


def rfc3339_date(date): (source)
