package documentation


Module archive Based on "python-archive" --
Module asyncio No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module autoreload No module docstring; 0/5 variable, 0/1 constant, 8/15 functions, 0/1 exception, 0/3 class documented
Module baseconv Convert numbers from base 10 integers to base X strings and back again.
Module cache This module contains helper functions for controlling caching. It does so by managing the "Vary" header of responses. It includes functions to patch the header of response objects directly and decorators that change functions to do that header-patching themselves.
Module connection No module docstring; 0/1 exception, 1/2 class documented
Module crypto Django's standard crypto functions and utilities.
Module datastructures No module docstring; 0/1 exception, 5/5 classes documented
Module dateformat PHP date() style date formatting See for format strings
Module dateparse Functions to parse datetime objects.
Module dates Commonly-used date structures
Module datetime_safe No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 2/4 functions, 0/2 class documented
Module deconstruct No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module decorators Functions that help with dynamically creating decorators for views.
Module deprecation No module docstring; 0/2 exception, 1/4 class documented
Module duration No module docstring; 1/4 function documented
Module encoding No module docstring; 0/3 variable, 0/2 constant, 12/12 functions, 0/1 exception documented
Module feedgenerator Syndication feed generation library -- used for generating RSS, etc.
Module formats No module docstring; 0/3 variable, 0/2 constant, 11/11 functions documented
Module functional No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 6/8 functions, 5/5 classes documented
Module hashable No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module html HTML utilities suitable for global use.
Module http No module docstring; 0/13 constant, 16/18 functions documented
Module inspect No module docstring; 4/8 functions documented
Module ipv6 No module docstring; 2/2 functions documented
Module itercompat No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module jslex JsLex: a lexer for JavaScript
Module log No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/1 constant, 1/2 function, 2/5 classes documented
Module lorem_ipsum Utility functions for generating "lorem ipsum" Latin text.
Module module_loading No module docstring; 4/5 functions documented
Module numberformat No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module regex_helper Functions for reversing a regular expression (used in reverse URL resolving). Used internally by Django and not intended for external use.
Module safestring Functions for working with "safe strings": strings that can be displayed safely without further escaping in HTML. Marking something as a "safe string" means that the producer of the string has already turned characters that should not be interpreted by the HTML engine (e...
Module termcolors
Module text No module docstring; 0/7 variable, 11/13 functions, 1/2 class documented
Module timesince No module docstring; 0/2 constant, 2/2 functions documented
Module timezone Timezone-related classes and functions.
Module topological_sort No module docstring; 1/2 function, 0/1 exception documented
Package translation Internationalization support.
Module tree A class for storing a tree graph. Primarily used for filter constructs in the ORM.
Module version No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/6 constant, 5/6 functions documented
Module xmlutils Utilities for XML generation/parsing.
Module _os No module docstring; 3/3 functions documented