exception documentation

Base class for REST framework exceptions. Subclasses should provide `.status_code` and `.default_detail` properties.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method get_codes Return only the code part of the error details.
Method get_full_details Return both the message & code parts of the error details.
Class Variable default_code Undocumented
Class Variable default_detail Undocumented
Instance Variable detail Undocumented
def __str__(self): (source)


def get_codes(self): (source)

Return only the code part of the error details. Eg. {"name": ["required"]}

def get_full_details(self): (source)

Return both the message & code parts of the error details. Eg. {"name": [{"message": "This field is required.", "code": "required"}]}