module documentation

Handled exceptions raised by REST framework. In addition, Django's built in 403 and 404 exceptions are handled. (`django.http.Http404` and `django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied`)

Class ErrorDetail A string-like object that can additionally have a code.
Exception APIException Base class for REST framework exceptions. Subclasses should provide `.status_code` and `.default_detail` properties.
Exception AuthenticationFailed Undocumented
Exception MethodNotAllowed Undocumented
Exception NotAcceptable Undocumented
Exception NotAuthenticated Undocumented
Exception NotFound Undocumented
Exception ParseError Undocumented
Exception PermissionDenied Undocumented
Exception Throttled Undocumented
Exception UnsupportedMediaType Undocumented
Exception ValidationError Undocumented
Function bad_request Generic 400 error handler.
Function server_error Generic 500 error handler.
Function _get_codes Undocumented
Function _get_error_details Descend into a nested data structure, forcing any lazy translation strings or strings into `ErrorDetail`.
Function _get_full_details Undocumented
def bad_request(request, exception, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Generic 400 error handler.

def server_error(request, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Generic 500 error handler.

def _get_codes(detail): (source)


def _get_error_details(data, default_code=None): (source)

Descend into a nested data structure, forcing any lazy translation strings or strings into `ErrorDetail`.

def _get_full_details(detail): (source)
