class documentation

Describes a mounted folder's configuration inside a container. A list of :py:class:`Mount` would be used as part of a :py:class:`~docker.types.ContainerSpec`. Args: target (string): Container path. source (string): Mount source (e.g. a volume name or a host path). type (string): The mount type (``bind`` / ``volume`` / ``tmpfs`` / ``npipe``). Default: ``volume``. read_only (bool): Whether the mount should be read-only. consistency (string): The consistency requirement for the mount. One of ``default```, ``consistent``, ``cached``, ``delegated``. propagation (string): A propagation mode with the value ``[r]private``, ``[r]shared``, or ``[r]slave``. Only valid for the ``bind`` type. no_copy (bool): False if the volume should be populated with the data from the target. Default: ``False``. Only valid for the ``volume`` type. labels (dict): User-defined name and labels for the volume. Only valid for the ``volume`` type. driver_config (DriverConfig): Volume driver configuration. Only valid for the ``volume`` type. tmpfs_size (int or string): The size for the tmpfs mount in bytes. tmpfs_mode (int): The permission mode for the tmpfs mount.

Class Method parse_mount_string Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
def parse_mount_string(cls, string): (source)


def __init__(self, target, source, type='volume', read_only=False, consistency=None, propagation=None, no_copy=False, labels=None, driver_config=None, tmpfs_size=None, tmpfs_mode=None): (source)
