class documentation

class RollbackConfig(UpdateConfig): (source)

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Used to specify the way container rollbacks should be performed by a service Args: parallelism (int): Maximum number of tasks to be rolled back in one iteration (0 means unlimited parallelism). Default: 0 delay (int): Amount of time between rollbacks, in nanoseconds. failure_action (string): Action to take if a rolled back task fails to run, or stops running during the rollback. Acceptable values are ``continue``, ``pause`` or ``rollback``. Default: ``continue`` monitor (int): Amount of time to monitor each rolled back task for failures, in nanoseconds. max_failure_ratio (float): The fraction of tasks that may fail during a rollback before the failure action is invoked, specified as a floating point number between 0 and 1. Default: 0 order (string): Specifies the order of operations when rolling out a rolled back task. Either ``start-first`` or ``stop-first`` are accepted.

Inherited from UpdateConfig:

Method __init__ Undocumented