class documentation

Parser for Docutils configuration files. See Option key normalization includes conversion of '-' to '_'. Config file encoding is "utf-8". Encoding errors are reported and the affected file(s) skipped. This class is provisional and will change in future versions.

Method get_section Return a given section as a dictionary.
Method handle_old_config Undocumented
Method optionxform Lowercase and transform '-' to '_'.
Method read Undocumented
Method validate_settings Call the validator function and implement overrides on all applicable settings.
Class Variable not_utf8_error Undocumented
Class Variable old_settings {old setting: (new section, new setting)} mapping, used by `handle_old_config`, to convert settings from the old [options] section.
Class Variable old_warning Undocumented
def get_section(self, section): (source)

Return a given section as a dictionary. Return empty dictionary if the section doesn't exist. Deprecated. Use the configparser "Mapping Protocol Access" and catch KeyError.

def handle_old_config(self, filename): (source)


def optionxform(self, optionstr): (source)

Lowercase and transform '-' to '_'. So the cmdline form of option names can be used in config files.

def read(self, filenames, option_parser=None): (source)


def validate_settings(self, filename, option_parser): (source)

Call the validator function and implement overrides on all applicable settings.

not_utf8_error: str = (source)


old_settings: dict = (source)

{old setting: (new section, new setting)} mapping, used by `handle_old_config`, to convert settings from the old [options] section.

old_warning: str = (source)
