module documentation

Transforms related to the front matter of a document or a section (information found before the main text): - `DocTitle`: Used to transform a lone top level section's title to the document title, promote a remaining lone top-level section's title to the document subtitle, and determine the document's title metadata (document['title']) based on the document title and/or the "title" setting. - `SectionSubTitle`: Used to transform a lone subsection into a subtitle. - `DocInfo`: Used to transform a bibliographic field list into docinfo elements.

Class DocInfo This transform is specific to the reStructuredText_ markup syntax; see "Bibliographic Fields" in the `reStructuredText Markup Specification`_ for a high-level description. This transform should be run *after* the `DocTitle` transform.
Class DocTitle In reStructuredText_, there is no way to specify a document title and subtitle explicitly. Instead, we can supply the document title (and possibly the subtitle as well) implicitly, and use this two-step transform to "raise" or "promote" the title(s) (and their corresponding section contents) to the document level.
Class SectionSubTitle This works like document subtitles, but for sections. For example, ::
Class TitlePromoter Abstract base class for DocTitle and SectionSubTitle transforms.