module documentation


Class AlphaCommand A command without parameters whose result is alphabetical.
Class BeginCommand A \begin{}...\end command and what it entails (array, cases, aligned)
Class BigBracket A big bracket generator.
Class BlackBox A container that does not output anything
Class BoundedDummy A bound parser that ignores everything
Class BoundedParser A parser bound by a final line
Class Bracket A {} bracket inside a formula
Class BracketCommand A command which defines a bracket.
Class BracketProcessor A processor for bracket commands.
Class Cloner An object used to clone other objects.
Class CombiningFunction No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class CommandBit A formula bit that includes a command
Class CommandLineParser A parser for runtime options
Class Comment A LaTeX comment: % to the end of the line.
Class Constant A constant string
Class Container A container for text and objects in a lyx file
Class ContainerConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class ContainerExtractor A class to extract certain containers.
Class ContainerOutput The generic HTML output for a container.
Class ContentsOutput Outputs the contents converted to HTML
Class DocumentParameters Global parameters for the document.
Class EmptyCommand An empty command (without parameters)
Class EmptyOutput No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class EndingList A list of position endings
Class EquationEnvironment A \begin{}...\end equation environment with rows and cells.
Class EscapeConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class ExcludingParser A parser that excludes the final line
Class FilteredOutput Returns the output in the contents, but filtered:
Class FixedOutput Fixed output
Class FontFunction A function of one parameter that changes the font.
Class Formula A LaTeX formula
Class FormulaArray An array within a formula
Class FormulaBit A bit of a formula
Class FormulaCases A cases statement
Class FormulaCell An array cell inside a row
Class FormulaCommand A LaTeX command inside a formula
Class FormulaConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class FormulaConstant A constant string in a formula
Class FormulaEquation A simple numbered equation.
Class FormulaFactory Construct bits of formula
Class FormulaMatrix A matrix (array with center alignment).
Class FormulaNumber A string of digits in a formula
Class FormulaParser Parses a formula
Class FormulaProcessor A processor specifically for formulas.
Class FormulaRow An array row inside an array
Class FormulaSymbol A symbol inside a formula
Class Globable A bit of text which can be globbed (lumped together in bits). Methods current(), skipcurrent(), checkfor() and isout() have to be implemented by subclasses.
Class HybridFunction A parameter function where the output is also defined using a template. The template can use a number of functions; each function has an associated tag. Example: [f0{$1},span class="fbox"] defines a function f0 which corresponds to a span of class fbox, yielding <span class="fbox">$1</span>...
Class HybridSize The size associated with a hybrid function.
Class LimitCommand A command which accepts limits above and below, in display mode.
Class LimitPreviousCommand A command to limit the previous command.
Class LimitsProcessor A processor for limits inside an element.
Class LoneCommand A parser for just one command line
Class MathsProcessor A processor for a maths construction inside the FormulaProcessor.
Class MultiRowFormula A formula with multiple rows.
Class OneParamFunction A function of one parameter
Class Options A set of runtime options
Class OversetFunction A function that decorates some bit of text with an overset.
Class ParameterDefinition The definition of a parameter in a hybrid function.
Class ParameterFunction A function with a variable number of parameters defined in a template.
Class Parser A generic parser
Class Position A position in a text to parse. Including those in Globable, functions to implement by subclasses are: skip(), identifier(), extract(), isout() and current().
Class PositionEnding An ending for a parsing position
Class RawText A bit of text inside a formula
Class SpacedCommand An empty command which should have math spacing in formulas.
Class SquareBracket A [] bracket inside a formula
Class StringContainer A container for a single string
Class StringOutput Returns a bare string as output
Class StringParser Parses just a string
Class SymbolFunction Find a function which is represented by a symbol (like _ or ^)
Class TaggedBit A tagged string in a formula
Class TaggedOutput Outputs an HTML tag surrounding the contents.
Class TextFunction A function where parameters are read as text.
Class TextParser A parser for a command and a bit of text
Class TextPosition A parse position based on a raw text.
Class Trace A tracing class
Class UndersetFunction A function that decorates some bit of text with an underset.
Class WhiteSpace Some white space inside a formula.
Class WholeFormula Parse a whole formula
Function main Main function, called if invoked from the command line
Function math2html Convert some TeX math to HTML.
Variable __version__ Undocumented
def main(): (source)

Main function, called if invoked from the command line

def math2html(formula): (source)

Convert some TeX math to HTML.

__version__: str = (source)
