class documentation


Method get_transforms Transforms required by this class. Override in subclasses.

Inherited from Reader:

Class Variable config_section The name of the config file section specific to this component (lowercase, no brackets). Override in subclasses.
Class Variable config_section_dependencies A list of names of config file sections that are to be applied before `config_section`, in order (from general to specific). In other words, the settings in `config_section` are to be overlaid on top of the settings from these sections...
Class Variable document A single document tree.
Class Variable settings_spec Runtime settings specification. Override in subclasses.
Class Variable supported Contexts this reader supports.

Inherited from Reader (via Reader):

Method __init__ Initialize the Reader instance.
Method new_document Create and return a new empty document tree (root node).
Method parse Parse `self.input` into a document tree.
Method read Undocumented
Method set_parser Set `self.parser` by name.
Class Variable component_type Name of the component type ('reader', 'parser', 'writer'). Override in subclasses.
Instance Variable input Raw text input; either a single string or, for more complex cases, a collection of strings.
Instance Variable parser A `parsers.Parser` instance shared by all doctrees. May be left unspecified if the document source determines the parser.
Instance Variable settings Undocumented
Instance Variable source `` IO object, source of input data.

Inherited from Component (via Reader, Reader):

Method supports Is `format` supported by this component?

Inherited from SettingsSpec (via Reader, Reader, Component):

Class Variable relative_path_settings Settings containing filesystem paths. Override in subclasses. Settings listed here are to be interpreted relative to the current working directory.
Class Variable settings_default_overrides A dictionary of auxiliary defaults, to override defaults for settings defined in other components' `setting_specs`. Override in subclasses.
Class Variable settings_defaults A dictionary of defaults for settings not in `settings_spec` (internal settings, intended to be inaccessible by command-line and config file). Override in subclasses.

Inherited from TransformSpec (via Reader, Reader, Component):

Class Variable default_transforms Undocumented
Class Variable unknown_reference_resolvers List of functions to try to resolve unknown references. Unknown references have a 'refname' attribute which doesn't correspond to any target in the document. Called when the transforms in `docutils.transforms...
def get_transforms(self): (source)

Transforms required by this class. Override in subclasses.