class documentation

class LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError(LegalHoldsError): (source)

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This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.transient_error: Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.inactive_legal_hold: Trying to release an inactive legal hold. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.legal_hold_performing_another_operation: Legal hold is currently performing another operation. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.invalid_members: Some members in the members list are not valid to be placed under legal hold. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation: You cannot add more than 5 users in a legal hold. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.empty_members_list: The users list must have at least one user. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.name_must_be_unique: The name provided is already in use by another legal hold. :ivar team.LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError.legal_hold_policy_not_found: Legal hold policy does not exist for ````.

Method is_empty_members_list Check if the union tag is ``empty_members_list``.
Method is_inactive_legal_hold Check if the union tag is ``inactive_legal_hold``.
Method is_invalid_members Check if the union tag is ``invalid_members``.
Method is_legal_hold_performing_another_operation Check if the union tag is ``legal_hold_performing_another_operation``.
Method is_legal_hold_policy_not_found Check if the union tag is ``legal_hold_policy_not_found``.
Method is_name_must_be_unique Check if the union tag is ``name_must_be_unique``.
Method is_number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation Check if the union tag is ``number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation``.
Method is_transient_error Check if the union tag is ``transient_error``.
Class Variable empty_members_list Undocumented
Class Variable inactive_legal_hold Undocumented
Class Variable invalid_members Undocumented
Class Variable legal_hold_performing_another_operation Undocumented
Class Variable legal_hold_policy_not_found Undocumented
Class Variable name_must_be_unique Undocumented
Class Variable number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation Undocumented
Class Variable transient_error Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented

Inherited from LegalHoldsError:

Method is_insufficient_permissions Check if the union tag is ``insufficient_permissions``.
Method is_other Check if the union tag is ``other``.
Method is_unknown_legal_hold_error Check if the union tag is ``unknown_legal_hold_error``.
Class Variable insufficient_permissions Undocumented
Class Variable other Undocumented
Class Variable unknown_legal_hold_error Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented
def is_empty_members_list(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``empty_members_list``. :rtype: bool

def is_inactive_legal_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``inactive_legal_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_invalid_members(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``invalid_members``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_hold_performing_another_operation(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_hold_performing_another_operation``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_hold_policy_not_found(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_hold_policy_not_found``. :rtype: bool

def is_name_must_be_unique(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``name_must_be_unique``. :rtype: bool

def is_number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation``. :rtype: bool

def is_transient_error(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``transient_error``. :rtype: bool

empty_members_list = (source)


inactive_legal_hold = (source)


invalid_members = (source)


legal_hold_performing_another_operation = (source)


legal_hold_policy_not_found = (source)


name_must_be_unique = (source)


number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation = (source)


transient_error = (source)


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)