class documentation

This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.remove_last_admin: The user is the last admin of the team, so it cannot be removed from it. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_account_and_transfer: Cannot keep account and transfer the data to another user at the same time. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data: Cannot keep account and delete the data at the same time. To keep the account the argument wipe_data should be set to ``False``. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled: The email address of the user is too long to be disabled. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_invited_user_account: Cannot keep account of an invited user. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped: Cannot retain team shares when the user's data is marked for deletion on their linked devices. The argument wipe_data should be set to ``False``. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept: The user's account must be kept in order to retain team shares. The argument keep_account should be set to ``True``. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off: Externally sharing files, folders, and links must be enabled in team settings in order to retain team shares for the user. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_account: Only a team admin, can convert this account to a Basic account. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold: This user content is currently being held. To convert this member's account to a Basic account, you'll first need to remove them from the hold. :ivar team.MembersRemoveError.cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos: To convert this member to a Basic account, they'll first need to sign in to Dropbox and agree to the terms of service.

Method is_cannot_keep_account Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account``.
Method is_cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data``.
Method is_cannot_keep_account_and_transfer Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_and_transfer``.
Method is_cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos``.
Method is_cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold``.
Method is_cannot_keep_invited_user_account Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_invited_user_account``.
Method is_cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped``.
Method is_cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept``.
Method is_cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off``.
Method is_email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled Check if the union tag is ``email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled``.
Method is_remove_last_admin Check if the union tag is ``remove_last_admin``.
Class Variable cannot_keep_account Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_keep_account_and_transfer Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_keep_invited_user_account Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept Undocumented
Class Variable cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off Undocumented
Class Variable email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled Undocumented
Class Variable remove_last_admin Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented

Inherited from MembersTransferFilesError:

Method is_recipient_not_verified Check if the union tag is ``recipient_not_verified``.
Method is_removed_and_transfer_admin_should_differ Check if the union tag is ``removed_and_transfer_admin_should_differ``.
Method is_removed_and_transfer_dest_should_differ Check if the union tag is ``removed_and_transfer_dest_should_differ``.
Method is_transfer_admin_is_not_admin Check if the union tag is ``transfer_admin_is_not_admin``.
Method is_transfer_admin_user_not_found Check if the union tag is ``transfer_admin_user_not_found``.
Method is_transfer_admin_user_not_in_team Check if the union tag is ``transfer_admin_user_not_in_team``.
Method is_transfer_dest_user_not_found Check if the union tag is ``transfer_dest_user_not_found``.
Method is_transfer_dest_user_not_in_team Check if the union tag is ``transfer_dest_user_not_in_team``.
Method is_unspecified_transfer_admin_id Check if the union tag is ``unspecified_transfer_admin_id``.
Class Variable recipient_not_verified Undocumented
Class Variable removed_and_transfer_admin_should_differ Undocumented
Class Variable removed_and_transfer_dest_should_differ Undocumented
Class Variable transfer_admin_is_not_admin Undocumented
Class Variable transfer_admin_user_not_found Undocumented
Class Variable transfer_admin_user_not_in_team Undocumented
Class Variable transfer_dest_user_not_found Undocumented
Class Variable transfer_dest_user_not_in_team Undocumented
Class Variable unspecified_transfer_admin_id Undocumented

Inherited from MembersDeactivateError (via MembersTransferFilesError):

Method is_other Check if the union tag is ``other``.
Method is_user_not_in_team Check if the union tag is ``user_not_in_team``.
Class Variable other Undocumented
Class Variable user_not_in_team Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented

Inherited from UserSelectorError (via MembersTransferFilesError, MembersDeactivateError):

Method is_user_not_found Check if the union tag is ``user_not_found``.
Class Variable user_not_found Undocumented
def is_cannot_keep_account(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_keep_account_and_transfer(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_and_transfer``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_keep_invited_user_account(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_keep_invited_user_account``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept``. :rtype: bool

def is_cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off``. :rtype: bool

def is_email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_remove_last_admin(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``remove_last_admin``. :rtype: bool

cannot_keep_account = (source)


cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data = (source)


cannot_keep_account_and_transfer = (source)


cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos = (source)


cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold = (source)


cannot_keep_invited_user_account = (source)


cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped = (source)


cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept = (source)


cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off = (source)


email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled = (source)


remove_last_admin = (source)


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)