exception documentation

Exception subclass representing failure of a command execution. "Failure" may mean the command executed and the shell indicated an unusual result (usually, a non-zero exit code), or it may mean something else, like a ``sudo`` command which was aborted when the supplied password failed authentication. Two attributes allow introspection to determine the nature of the problem: * ``result``: a `.Result` instance with info about the command being executed and, if it ran to completion, how it exited. * ``reason``: a wrapped exception instance if applicable (e.g. a `.StreamWatcher` raised `WatcherError`) or ``None`` otherwise, in which case, it's probably a `Failure` subclass indicating its own specific nature, such as `UnexpectedExit` or `CommandTimedOut`. This class is only rarely raised by itself; most of the time `.Runner.run` (or a wrapper of same, such as `.Context.sudo`) will raise a specific subclass like `UnexpectedExit` or `AuthFailure`. .. versionadded:: 1.0

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method streams_for_display Return stdout/err streams as necessary for error display.
Instance Variable reason Undocumented
Instance Variable result Undocumented
Method _repr Return ``__repr__``-like value from inner result + any kwargs.
def __init__(self, result, reason=None): (source)
def __repr__(self): (source)


def streams_for_display(self): (source)

Return stdout/err streams as necessary for error display. Subject to the following rules: - If a given stream was *not* hidden during execution, a placeholder is used instead, to avoid printing it twice. - Only the last 10 lines of stream text is included. - PTY-driven execution will lack stderr, and a specific message to this effect is returned instead of a stderr dump. :returns: Two-tuple of stdout, stderr strings. .. versionadded:: 1.3



def _repr(self, **kwargs): (source)

Return ``__repr__``-like value from inner result + any kwargs.