module documentation

Custom exception classes. These vary in use case from "we needed a specific data structure layout in exceptions used for message-passing" to simply "we needed to express an error condition in a way easily told apart from other, truly unexpected errors".

Exception AmbiguousEnvVar Raised when loading env var config keys has an ambiguous target.
Exception AuthFailure An authentication failure, e.g. due to an incorrect ``sudo`` password.
Exception CollectionNotFound Undocumented
Exception CommandTimedOut Raised when a subprocess did not exit within a desired timeframe.
Exception Exit Simple custom stand-in for SystemExit.
Exception Failure Exception subclass representing failure of a command execution.
Exception ParseError An error arising from the parsing of command-line flags/arguments.
Exception PlatformError Raised when an illegal operation occurs for the current platform.
Exception ResponseNotAccepted A responder/watcher class noticed a 'bad' response to its submission.
Exception SubprocessPipeError Some problem was encountered handling subprocess pipes (stdout/err/in).
Exception ThreadException One or more exceptions were raised within background threads.
Exception UncastableEnvVar Raised on attempted env var loads whose default values are too rich.
Exception UnexpectedExit A shell command ran to completion but exited with an unexpected exit code.
Exception UnknownFileType A config file of an unknown type was specified and cannot be loaded.
Exception UnpicklableConfigMember A config file contained module objects, which can't be pickled/copied.
Exception WatcherError Generic parent exception class for `.StreamWatcher`-related errors.
Function _printable_kwargs Return print-friendly version of a thread-related ``kwargs`` dict.
def _printable_kwargs(kwargs): (source)

Return print-friendly version of a thread-related ``kwargs`` dict. Extra care is taken with ``args`` members which are very long iterables - those need truncating to be useful.