class documentation

class IssueProperty(Resource): (source)

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Custom data against an issue.

Method __init__ Initializes a generic resource.
Instance Variable raw Undocumented
Instance Variable self Undocumented
Method _find_by_url Finds a resource on the specified url.

Inherited from Resource:

Method __eq__ Default equality test.
Method __getattr__ Allow access of attributes via names.
Method __getstate__ Pickling the resource.
Method __hash__ Hash calculation.
Method __repr__ Identify the class and include any and all relevant values.
Method __setstate__ Unpickling of the resource.
Method __str__ Return the first value we find that is likely to be human-readable.
Method delete Delete this resource from the server, passing the specified query parameters.
Method find Finds a resource based on the input parameters.
Method update Update this resource on the server.
Constant JIRA_BASE_URL Undocumented
Method _default_headers Undocumented
Method _get_url Gets the url for the specified path.
Method _load Load a resource.
Method _parse_raw Parse a raw dictionary to create a resource.
Constant _HASH_IDS Undocumented
Constant _READABLE_IDS Undocumented
Instance Variable _base_url Undocumented
Instance Variable _options Undocumented
Instance Variable _resource Undocumented
Instance Variable _session Undocumented
def __init__(self, options: Dict[str, str], session: ResilientSession, raw: Dict[str, Any] = None): (source)

Initializes a generic resource. Args: resource (str): The name of the resource. options (Dict[str,str]): Options for the new resource session (ResilientSession): Session used for the resource. base_url (Optional[str]): The Base Jira url.


def _find_by_url(self, url: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): (source)

Finds a resource on the specified url. The resource is loaded with the JSON data returned by doing a request on the specified url. Args: url (str): url params (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): params