module documentation

This module contains methods and facade interfaces for various ConfigLoader implementations.

Constant SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS Undocumented
Function _check_duplicate_keys Undocumented
Function _get_config_from_patterns Recursively scan for configuration files, load and merge them, and return them in the form of a config dictionary.
Function _load_config_file Load an individual config file using anyconfig as a backend.
Function _load_configs Recursively load all configuration files, which satisfy a given list of glob patterns from a specific path.
Function _lookup_config_filepaths Undocumented
Function _path_lookup Return a set of all configuration files from conf_path or its subdirectories, which satisfy a given list of glob patterns.
Function _remove_duplicates Remove duplicates while preserving the order.
Variable _config_logger Undocumented
SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS: list[str] = (source)


['.yml', '.yaml', '.json', '.ini', '.pickle', '.properties', '.xml']
def _check_duplicate_keys(processed_files: Dict[Path, AbstractSet[str]], filepath: Path, conf: Dict[str, Any]): (source)


def _get_config_from_patterns(conf_paths: Iterable[str], patterns: Iterable[str] = None, ac_template: bool = False, ac_context: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: (source)

Recursively scan for configuration files, load and merge them, and return them in the form of a config dictionary.

conf_paths:Iterable[str]List of configuration paths to directories
patterns:Iterable[str]Glob patterns to match. Files, which names match any of the specified patterns, will be processed.
ac_template:boolBoolean flag to indicate whether to use the ac_template argument of the anyconfig.load method. Used in the context of _load_config_file function.
ac_context:Dict[str, Any]anyconfig context to pass to anyconfig.load method. Used in the context of _load_config_file function.
Dict[str, Any]
A Python dictionary with the combined
configuration from all configuration files. Note: any keys that start with _ will be ignored.
ValueErrorIf 2 or more configuration files inside the same config path (or its subdirectories) contain the same top-level key.
MissingConfigExceptionIf no configuration files exist within a specified config path.
BadConfigExceptionIf configuration is poorly formatted and cannot be loaded.
def _load_config_file(config_file: Path, ac_template: bool = False, ac_context: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: (source)

Load an individual config file using anyconfig as a backend.

config_file:PathPath to a config file to process.
ac_template:boolBoolean flag to indicate whether to use the ac_template argument of the anyconfig.load method.
ac_context:Dict[str, Any]anyconfig context to pass to anyconfig.load method.
Dict[str, Any]Parsed configuration.
BadConfigExceptionIf configuration is poorly formatted and cannot be loaded.
ParserErrorIf file is invalid and cannot be parsed.
def _load_configs(config_filepaths: List[Path], ac_template: bool, ac_context: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: (source)

Recursively load all configuration files, which satisfy a given list of glob patterns from a specific path.

config_filepaths:List[Path]Configuration files sorted in the order of precedence.
ac_template:boolBoolean flag to indicate whether to use the ac_template argument of the anyconfig.load method. Used in the context of _load_config_file function.
ac_context:Dict[str, Any]anyconfig context to pass to anyconfig.load method. Used in the context of _load_config_file function.
Dict[str, Any]Resulting configuration dictionary.
ValueErrorIf 2 or more configuration files contain the same key(s).
BadConfigExceptionIf configuration is poorly formatted and cannot be loaded.
def _lookup_config_filepaths(conf_path: Path, patterns: Iterable[str], processed_files: Set[Path], logger: Any) -> List[Path]: (source)


def _path_lookup(conf_path: Path, patterns: Iterable[str]) -> Set[Path]: (source)

Return a set of all configuration files from conf_path or its subdirectories, which satisfy a given list of glob patterns.

conf_path:PathPath to configuration directory.
patterns:Iterable[str]List of glob patterns to match the filenames against.
Set[Path]A set of paths to configuration files.
def _remove_duplicates(items: Iterable[str]): (source)

Remove duplicates while preserving the order.

_config_logger = (source)
