package documentation

kedro.config provides functionality for loading Kedro configuration from different file formats.

Module abstract_config This module provides kedro.abstract_config with the baseline class model for a ConfigLoader implementation.
Module common This module contains methods and facade interfaces for various ConfigLoader implementations.
Module config This module provides kedro.config with the functionality to load one or more configuration files from specified paths.
Module omegaconf_config This module provides kedro.config with the functionality to load one or more configuration files of yaml or json type from specified paths through OmegaConf.
Module templated_config This module provides kedro.config with the functionality to load one or more configuration files from specified paths, and format template strings with the values from the passed dictionary.


Class AbstractConfigLoader for all ConfigLoader implementations.
Class ConfigLoader Recursively scan directories (config paths) contained in conf_source for configuration files with a yaml, yml, json, ini, pickle, xml or properties extension, load them, and return them in the form of a config dictionary.
Class OmegaConfigLoader Recursively scan directories (config paths) contained in conf_source for configuration files with a yaml, yml or json extension, load and merge them through OmegaConf (
Class TemplatedConfigLoader Extension of the ConfigLoader class that allows for template values, wrapped in brackets like: ${...}, to be automatically formatted based on the configs.
Exception BadConfigException Raised when a configuration file cannot be loaded, for instance due to wrong syntax or poor formatting.
Exception MissingConfigException Raised when no configuration files can be found within a config path