class documentation

class SQLQueryDataSet(AbstractDataSet[None, pd.DataFrame]): (source)

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SQLQueryDataSet loads data from a provided SQL query. It uses pandas.DataFrame internally, so it supports all allowed pandas options on read_sql_query. Since Pandas uses SQLAlchemy behind the scenes, when instantiating SQLQueryDataSet one needs to pass a compatible connection string either in credentials (see the example code snippet below) or in load_args. Connection string formats supported by SQLAlchemy can be found here:

It does not support save method so it is a read only data set. To save data to a SQL server use SQLTableDataSet.

Example usage for the YAML API:

  type: pandas.SQLQueryDataSet
  sql: "select shuttle, shuttle_id from spaceflights.shuttles;"
  credentials: db_credentials

Advanced example using the stream_results and chunksize options to reduce memory usage:

  type: pandas.SQLQueryDataSet
  sql: "select shuttle, shuttle_id from spaceflights.shuttles;"
  credentials: db_credentials
    stream_results: true
    chunksize: 1000

Sample database credentials entry in credentials.yml:

  con: postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test

Example usage for the Python API:

>>> from kedro.extras.datasets.pandas import SQLQueryDataSet
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], "col2": [4, 5],
>>>                      "col3": [5, 6]})
>>> sql = "SELECT * FROM table_a"
>>> credentials = {
>>>     "con": "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test"
>>> }
>>> data_set = SQLQueryDataSet(sql=sql,
>>>                            credentials=credentials)
>>> sql_data = data_set.load()
Class Method create_connection Given a connection string, create singleton connection to be used across all instances of SQLQueryDataSet that need to connect to the same source.
Method __init__ Creates a new SQLQueryDataSet.
Class Variable engines Undocumented
Method _describe Undocumented
Method _load Undocumented
Method _save Undocumented
Instance Variable _connection_str Undocumented
Instance Variable _execution_options Undocumented
Instance Variable _filepath Undocumented
Instance Variable _load_args Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractDataSet:

Class Method from_config Create a data set instance using the configuration provided.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method exists Checks whether a data set's output already exists by calling the provided _exists() method.
Method load Loads data by delegation to the provided load method.
Method release Release any cached data.
Method save Saves data by delegation to the provided save method.
Method _copy Undocumented
Method _exists Undocumented
Method _release Undocumented
Property _logger Undocumented
def create_connection(cls, connection_str: str): (source)

Given a connection string, create singleton connection to be used across all instances of SQLQueryDataSet that need to connect to the same source.

def __init__(self, sql: str = None, credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None, load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, filepath: str = None, execution_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): (source)

Creates a new SQLQueryDataSet.

sql:strThe sql query statement.
credentials:Dict[str, Any]A dictionary with a SQLAlchemy connection string. Users are supposed to provide the connection string 'con' through credentials. It overwrites con parameter in load_args and save_args in case it is provided. To find all supported connection string formats, see here:
load_args:Dict[str, Any]Provided to underlying pandas read_sql_query function along with the connection string. To find all supported arguments, see here: To find all supported connection string formats, see here:
fs_args:Dict[str, Any]Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor (e.g. {"project": "my-project"} for GCSFileSystem), as well as to pass to the filesystem's open method through nested keys open_args_load and open_args_save. Here you can find all available arguments for open: All defaults are preserved, except mode, which is set to r when loading.
filepath:strA path to a file with a sql query statement.
execution_options:Optional[Dict[str, Any]]A dictionary with non-SQL advanced options for the connection to be applied to the underlying engine. To find all supported execution options, see here: Note that this is not a standard argument supported by pandas API, but could be useful for handling large datasets.
DataSetErrorWhen either sql or con parameters is empty.


def _describe(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: (source)


def _load(self) -> pd.DataFrame: (source)


def _save(self, data: None) -> NoReturn: (source)


_connection_str = (source)


_execution_options = (source)


_filepath = (source)


_load_args = (source)
