module documentation

SQLDataSet to load and save data to a SQL backend.

Class SQLQueryDataSet SQLQueryDataSet loads data from a provided SQL query. It uses pandas.DataFrame internally, so it supports all allowed pandas options on read_sql_query. Since Pandas uses SQLAlchemy behind the scenes, when instantiating ...
Class SQLTableDataSet SQLTableDataSet loads data from a SQL table and saves a pandas dataframe to a table. It uses pandas.DataFrame internally, so it supports all allowed pandas options on read_sql_table and to_sql methods. ...
Constant DRIVER_ERROR_MESSAGE Undocumented
Constant KNOWN_PIP_INSTALL Undocumented
Function _find_known_drivers Looks up known keywords in a ModuleNotFoundError so that it can provide better guideline for the user.
Function _get_missing_module_error Undocumented
Function _get_sql_alchemy_missing_error Undocumented
DRIVER_ERROR_MESSAGE: str = (source)


A module/driver is missing when connecting to your SQL server. SQLDataSet
 supports SQLAlchemy drivers. Please refer to
 for more information.

KNOWN_PIP_INSTALL: dict[str, str] = (source)


{'psycopg2': 'psycopg2', 'mysqldb': 'mysqlclient', 'cx_Oracle': 'cx_Oracle'}
def _find_known_drivers(module_import_error: ImportError) -> Optional[str]: (source)

Looks up known keywords in a ModuleNotFoundError so that it can provide better guideline for the user.

module_import_error:ImportErrorError raised while connecting to a SQL server.
Optional[str]Instructions for installing missing driver. An empty string is returned in case error is related to an unknown driver.
def _get_missing_module_error(import_error: ImportError) -> DataSetError: (source)


def _get_sql_alchemy_missing_error() -> DataSetError: (source)
