module documentation

ParallelRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in parallel groups formed by toposort.

Class ParallelRunnerManager ParallelRunnerManager is used to create shared MemoryDataSet objects as default data sets in a pipeline.
Class _SharedMemoryDataSet _SharedMemoryDataSet is a wrapper class for a shared MemoryDataSet in SyncManager. It is not inherited from AbstractDataSet class.
Function _bootstrap_subprocess Undocumented
Function _run_node_synchronization Run a single Node with inputs from and outputs to the catalog.
Constant _MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS Undocumented
def _bootstrap_subprocess(package_name: str, logging_config: Dict[str, Any]): (source)


def _run_node_synchronization(node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, is_async: bool = False, session_id: str = None, package_name: str = None, logging_config: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Node: (source)

Run a single Node with inputs from and outputs to the catalog.

A PluginManager instance is created in each subprocess because the PluginManager can't be serialised.

node:NodeThe Node to run.
catalog:DataCatalogA DataCatalog containing the node's inputs and outputs.
is_async:boolIf True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False.
session_id:strThe session id of the pipeline run.
package_name:strThe name of the project Python package.
logging_config:Dict[str, Any]A dictionary containing logging configuration.
NodeThe node argument.
_MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS: int = (source)

