package documentation

kedro.runner provides runners that are able to execute Pipeline instances.

Module parallel_runner ParallelRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in parallel groups formed by toposort.
Module runner AbstractRunner is the base class for all Pipeline runner implementations.
Module sequential_runner SequentialRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in a sequential manner using a topological sort of provided nodes.
Module thread_runner ThreadRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in parallel groups formed by toposort using threads.


Class AbstractRunner AbstractRunner is the base class for all Pipeline runner implementations.
Class ParallelRunner ParallelRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in parallel groups formed by toposort. Please note that this runner implementation validates dataset using the _validate_catalog...
Class SequentialRunner SequentialRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in a sequential manner using a topological sort of provided nodes.
Class ThreadRunner ThreadRunner is an AbstractRunner implementation. It can be used to run the Pipeline in parallel groups formed by toposort using threads.
Function run_node Run a single Node with inputs from and outputs to the catalog.
def run_node(node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, hook_manager: PluginManager, is_async: bool = False, session_id: str = None) -> Node: (source)

Run a single Node with inputs from and outputs to the catalog.

node:NodeThe Node to run.
catalog:DataCatalogA DataCatalog containing the node's inputs and outputs.
hook_manager:PluginManagerThe PluginManager to activate hooks.
is_async:boolIf True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False.
session_id:strThe session id of the pipeline run.
NodeThe node argument.
ValueErrorRaised if is_async is set to True for nodes wrapping generator functions.