class documentation

class AssignAttribute(Attribute): (source)

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Method convert_to_ssa update and fill the version, fill the locals dict
Method postinit Undocumented
Instance Variable attr Undocumented
Instance Variable ctx Undocumented
Instance Variable value Undocumented
Instance Variable version Undocumented
Class Variable _fields Undocumented
Class Variable _other_fields Undocumented

Inherited from Attribute:

Class Method quick_build Undocumented
Class Method quick_build_from_counter_part build this class using counterpart (Name -> AssignName)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method get_base_var get the base variable string without ssa version
Method get_built_in_type get the built in type class e.g. int, str of this variable representing
Method get_value_from_locals Undocumented
Method get_var_repr get the str representation of current node. The difference between this and __repr__ is at nodes.Attribute, this method will return the attr with the version, not the whole str
Method handle_unresolved_attr generate ssa stmt that act as a stub. when the attribute does not exist, a statement will be created to signal during infer stage that this attribute does not exist. Also will add TempObj in the instance_dict since it's a temporary instance create: Assign: self...
Method is_built_in_type check whether the name represents built in type. Return True when / self.attr represents python built-in type. E.g. int, str etc...
Method is_name_constant Undocumented
Method separate_members return a tuple that contain name for each attribute. E.g. a.b.c -> ('a', 'b', 'c')
Instance Variable links Undocumented

Inherited from Variable (via Attribute):

Static Method build_var build Variable class based on the tuple. E.g. vars=(a, b, c) will return Attribute: (a.b.c)
Method is_load_var checking the 'ctx' if it's available

Inherited from BaseNode (via Attribute, Variable):

Static Method get_inferred Undocumented
Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method accept Undocumented
Method dunder_lookup try to resolve the dunder method
Method generic_visit Undocumented
Method get_bound_conditions Undocumented
Method get_children Undocumented
Method get_from_outer find the definition of `var` from outer scope recursively. Skip param will determine how many parent scope to skip :param var: variable of interest :param skip: how many layer of parent scope to skip :return:...
Method get_parent_of_type Undocumented
Method get_statements Undocumented
Method get_stmt_target Undocumented
Method get_target_instance get the assigning target instance rather than scope(). See #mr68u a.b.c = node calling node.get_target_instance() will return `a.b.c.instance()`
Method is_children check if the given node is part of 'self' or children
Method iter_fields Yield a tuple of ``(fieldname, value)`` for each field in ``node._fields`` that is present on *node*.
Method prepare_inferred_value Undocumented
Method scope return the first containing scope
Method statement Undocumented
Instance Variable col_offset Undocumented
Instance Variable explicit_inference Undocumented
Instance Variable lineno Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Undocumented
Instance Variable refer_to_block Undocumented

Inherited from InvertCondMixin (via Attribute, Variable, BaseNode):

Method invert_condition Invert the condition of this node. wrap the node in `not()`
Method wrap_bool Undocumented
def convert_to_ssa(self): (source)

update and fill the version, fill the locals dict

def postinit(self, value, attr, ctx): (source)
_fields: tuple[str, ...] = (source)
_other_fields: tuple[str, ...] = (source)