class documentation

class HTTPHeadersWrappingHeadersTests(MutableHTTPHeadersTestsMixIn, TestCase): (source)

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Method assertRawHeadersEqual Undocumented
Method headerNormalize Test hook for the normalization of header text values, which is a behavior Twisted has changed after version 18.9.0.
Method headers Given a RawHeaders, return an IMutableHTTPHeaders.
Method test_rawHeaders MutableHTTPHeaders.rawHeaders equals raw headers matching the Headers given at init time.

Inherited from MutableHTTPHeadersTestsMixIn:

Method getValues Look up the values for the given header name from the given raw headers.
Method test_addValueBytesName IMutableHTTPHeaders.addValue adds the given bytes value for the given bytes header name.
Method test_addValueBytesNameTextValue IMutableHTTPHeaders.addValue raises TypeError when the given header name is bytes and the given value is str.
Method test_addValueInvalidNameType IMutableHTTPHeaders.addValue raises TypeError when the given header name is of an unknown type.
Method test_addValueTextName IMutableHTTPHeaders.addValue adds the given str value for the given str header name.
Method test_addValueTextNameBytesValue IMutableHTTPHeaders.addValue raises TypeError when the given header name is str and the given value is bytes.
Method test_interface Class implements IMutableHTTPHeaders.
Method test_removeBytesName IMutableHTTPHeaders.remove removes all values for the given bytes header name.
Method test_removeInvalidNameType IMutableHTTPHeaders.remove raises TypeError when the given header name is of an unknown type.
Method test_removeTextName IMutableHTTPHeaders.remove removes all values for the given str header name.

Inherited from GetValuesTestsMixIn (via MutableHTTPHeadersTestsMixIn):

Method test_getBytesName getValues returns an iterable of bytes values for the given bytes header name.
Method test_getInvalidNameType getValues raises TypeError when the given header name is of an unknown type.
Method test_getTextName getValues returns an iterable of str values for the given str header name.
Method test_getTextNameBinaryValues getValues returns an iterable of str values for the given str header name.

Inherited from TestCase:

Method assertProvides Assert that a object provides an interface.
def assertRawHeadersEqual(self, rawHeaders1, rawHeaders2): (source)


def headerNormalize(self, value): (source)

Test hook for the normalization of header text values, which is a behavior Twisted has changed after version 18.9.0.

def headers(self, rawHeaders): (source)

Given a RawHeaders, return an IMutableHTTPHeaders.

def test_rawHeaders(self): (source)