class documentation

class ResolveDeferredObjectsTests(SynchronousTestCase): (source)

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Tests for resolve_deferred_objects.

Method test_elementSerialized A PlatedElement within a JSON serializable object replaced by its JSON representation.
Method test_resolveObjects A JSON serializable object that may contain Deferreds or a Deferred that resolves to a JSON serializable object resolves to an object that contains no Deferreds.
Method test_unserializableObject An object that cannot be serialized causes the Deferred to fail with an informative TypeError.
def test_elementSerialized(self, jsonObject, data): (source)

A PlatedElement within a JSON serializable object replaced by its JSON representation.

def test_resolveObjects(self, jsonObject, data): (source)

A JSON serializable object that may contain Deferreds or a Deferred that resolves to a JSON serializable object resolves to an object that contains no Deferreds.

def test_unserializableObject(self): (source)

An object that cannot be serialized causes the Deferred to fail with an informative TypeError.