module documentation

Tests for klein.plating.

Class DeferredValue A value within a JSON serializable object that is deferred.
Class InstanceWidget A class with a method that's a Plating.widget.
Class PlatingTests Tests for Plating.
Class ResolveDeferredObjectsTests Tests for resolve_deferred_objects.
Class TransformJSONObjectTests Tests for transform_json_object.
Function deferredEnwidget Provide some Deferred values for the element template.
Function enwidget Provide some values for the element template.
Function jsonComposites Creates a Hypothesis strategy that constructs composite JSON-serializable objects (e.g., lists).
Function registeredRenderMethod Register a render method with the page so that the template can use it.
Function transformJSONObject Recursively apply a transforming function to a JSON serializable object, returning a new, transformed object.
Variable element Undocumented
Variable jsonAtoms Undocumented
Variable jsonObjects Undocumented
Variable page Undocumented
def deferredEnwidget(a, b): (source)

Provide some Deferred values for the element template.

def enwidget(a, b): (source)

Provide some values for the element template.

def jsonComposites(children): (source)

Creates a Hypothesis strategy that constructs composite JSON-serializable objects (e.g., lists).

childrenA strategy from which each composite object's children will be drawn.
The composite objects strategy.
def registeredRenderMethod(*args): (source)

Register a render method with the page so that the template can use it.

def transformJSONObject(jsonObject, transformer): (source)

Recursively apply a transforming function to a JSON serializable object, returning a new, transformed object.

transformerA one-argument callable that will be applied to each member of the object.
json_objectA JSON serializable object to transform.
A transformed copy of jsonObject.
element = (source)


jsonAtoms = (source)


jsonObjects = (source)


page = (source)
