class documentation


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method init_under_package_root Is this path an under a package root?
Method isdir Undocumented
Method isfile Undocumented
Method listdir Undocumented
Instance Variable files Undocumented

Inherited from FileSystemCache:

Method exists Undocumented
Method exists_case Return whether path exists - checking path components in case sensitive fashion, up to prefix.
Method flush Start another transaction and empty all caches.
Method hash_digest Undocumented
Method isfile_case Return whether path exists and is a file.
Method read Undocumented
Method samefile Undocumented
Method set_package_root Undocumented
Method stat Undocumented
Instance Variable exists_case_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable fake_package_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable hash_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable isfile_case_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable listdir_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable listdir_error_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable package_root Undocumented
Instance Variable read_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable read_error_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable stat_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable stat_error_cache Undocumented
Method _fake_init Prime the cache with a fake file.
def __init__(self, files: set[str]): (source)


def init_under_package_root(self, file: str) -> bool: (source)

Is this path an under a package root? This is used to detect packages that don't contain files, which is needed to support Bazel. The function should only be called for non-existing files. It will return True if it refers to a file that Bazel would create, so that at runtime Python would think the directory containing it is a package. For this to work you must pass one or more package roots using the --package-root flag. As an exceptional case, any directory that is a package root itself will not be considered to contain a file. This is different from the rules Bazel itself applies, but is necessary for mypy to properly distinguish packages from other directories. See, where this behavior is described under legacy_create_init.

def isdir(self, dir: str) -> bool: (source)


def isfile(self, file: str) -> bool: (source)


def listdir(self, dir: str) -> list[str]: (source)

