package documentation


Module config Undocumented
Module data Utilities for processing .test files containing test case descriptions.
Module helpers No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 10/24 functions documented
Module test_find_sources Undocumented
Module testapi Undocumented
Module testargs Ensure the argparse parser and Options class are in sync.
Module testcheck Type checker test cases
Module testcmdline Test cases for the command line.
Module testconstraints Undocumented
Module testdaemon End-to-end test cases for the daemon (dmypy).
Module testdeps Test cases for generating node-level dependencies (for fine-grained incremental checking)
Module testdiff Test cases for AST diff (used for fine-grained incremental checking)
Module testerrorstream Tests for mypy incremental error output.
Module testfinegrained Test cases for fine-grained incremental checking.
Module testfinegrainedcache Tests for fine-grained incremental checking using the cache.
Module testformatter Undocumented
Module testfscache Unit tests for file system cache.
Module testgraph Test cases for graph processing code in
Module testinfer Test cases for type inference helper functions.
Module testipc Undocumented
Module testmerge Test cases for AST merge (used for fine-grained incremental checking)
Module testmodulefinder Undocumented
Module testmypyc A basic check to make sure that we are using a mypyc-compiled version when expected.
Module testparse Tests for the mypy parser.
Module testpep561 No module docstring; 3/6 functions, 0/1 class documented
Module testpythoneval Test cases for running mypy programs using a Python interpreter.
Module testreports Test cases for reports generated by mypy.
Module testsemanal Semantic analyzer test cases
Module testsolve Test cases for the constraint solver used in type inference.
Module teststubgen No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/1 function, 4/11 classes documented
Module teststubinfo Undocumented
Module teststubtest No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 0/1 constant, 1/4 function, 0/3 class documented
Module testsubtypes Undocumented
Module testtransform Identity AST transform test cases
Module testtypegen Test cases for the type checker: exporting inferred types
Module testtypes Test cases for mypy types and type operations.
Module testutil Undocumented
Module typefixture Fixture used in type-related test cases.
Module update Undocumented
Module visitors Visitor classes pulled out from different tests