module documentation

Functions for converting from DOS to UNIX line endings

Function dos2unix Replace CRLF with LF in argument files. Print names of changed files.
Function dos2unix_dir Undocumented
Function dos2unix_one_dir Undocumented
Function unix2dos Replace LF with CRLF in argument files. Print names of changed files.
Function unix2dos_dir Undocumented
Function unix2dos_one_dir Undocumented
def dos2unix(file): (source)

Replace CRLF with LF in argument files. Print names of changed files.

def dos2unix_dir(dir_name): (source)


def dos2unix_one_dir(modified_files, dir_name, file_names): (source)


def unix2dos(file): (source)

Replace LF with CRLF in argument files. Print names of changed files.

def unix2dos_dir(dir_name): (source)


def unix2dos_one_dir(modified_files, dir_name, file_names): (source)
